Radioactive substances such as radon , uranium and thorium are silent killers in our drinking water. They come from natural deposits in rock layers that are dissolved by water, or from mining and industrial waste. Their path into the groundwater is insidious, and their effects on health are devastating.
Radon, a radioactive gas, is often found in springs and well water. Uranium and thorium accumulate in water and thus enter our bodies. Even a glass of water can contain traces of radioactive substances - often in the nanogram to microgram range. Over a week, this adds up to worrying amounts, which, extrapolated over a year, lead to a constant radiation exposure.
The deadly consequences of radioactive pollutants
Radon and uranium have been shown to increase the risk of lung and kidney cancer. Thorium, a lesser-known pollutant, can cause severe liver damage. Radioactive particles destroy cells, damage DNA and lead to chronic diseases or cancer. Children whose bodies are still growing and pregnant women are particularly at risk, as unborn children are highly sensitive to radiation.
The idea of ingesting these substances on a daily basis is frightening – but there is a solution. Sydros water filters remove even radioactive pollutants from your water and ensure your safety.
Protect your health and that of your family! Visit and drink water you can trust. Act now!