
Langsam vergiftet: Schwermetall-Nebenprodukte in Ihrem Trinkwasser

Slowly poisoned: heavy metal byproducts in your...

Heavy metal byproducts like copper , nickel and zinc are invisible threats that enter our drinking water. They come from corrosion of pipes, industrial wastewater and mining activities. While these...

Slowly poisoned: heavy metal byproducts in your...

Heavy metal byproducts like copper , nickel and zinc are invisible threats that enter our drinking water. They come from corrosion of pipes, industrial wastewater and mining activities. While these...

Blaualgen im Glas: Trinkwasser oder schleichendes Gift?

Blue-green algae in a glass: drinking water or ...

Cyanobacteria, also known as blue-green algae, are not harmless algae, but highly toxic bacteria that pollute millions of liters of drinking water every year. They are caused by over-fertilization in...

Blue-green algae in a glass: drinking water or ...

Cyanobacteria, also known as blue-green algae, are not harmless algae, but highly toxic bacteria that pollute millions of liters of drinking water every year. They are caused by over-fertilization in...

PAKs: Giftige Schatten in Ihrem Trinkwasser

PAHs: Toxic Shadows in Your Drinking Water

Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) are highly toxic chemicals lurking everywhere in our environment - including in your drinking water. These compounds are created by incomplete combustion of coal, oil, wood...

PAHs: Toxic Shadows in Your Drinking Water

Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) are highly toxic chemicals lurking everywhere in our environment - including in your drinking water. These compounds are created by incomplete combustion of coal, oil, wood...

Unsichtbare Gifte: Phenole und Phthalate in Ihrem Trinkwasser

Invisible Poisons: Phenols and Phthalates in Yo...

Drinking water is life - but how safe is your water really? Phenols , phthalates and alkylphenols are chemical pollutants that often find their way into our drinking water unnoticed....

Invisible Poisons: Phenols and Phthalates in Yo...

Drinking water is life - but how safe is your water really? Phenols , phthalates and alkylphenols are chemical pollutants that often find their way into our drinking water unnoticed....

Nitrosamine: Das stille Gift in Ihrem Trinkwasser?

Nitrosamines: The silent poison in your drinkin...

Nitrosamines and water treatment byproducts such as chlorite , THMs (trihalomethanes) or bromate are invisible but highly dangerous pollutants lurking in your drinking water. What is particularly alarming is that...

Nitrosamines: The silent poison in your drinkin...

Nitrosamines and water treatment byproducts such as chlorite , THMs (trihalomethanes) or bromate are invisible but highly dangerous pollutants lurking in your drinking water. What is particularly alarming is that...

Petrochemikalien im Trinkwasser: Ein stiller Angriff auf Ihre Gesundheit

Petrochemicals in drinking water: A silent atta...

Petrochemicals, including hydrocarbons from petroleum , benzene and polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) , are invisible but highly dangerous pollutants in our drinking water. These substances enter the groundwater through industrial...

Petrochemicals in drinking water: A silent atta...

Petrochemicals, including hydrocarbons from petroleum , benzene and polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) , are invisible but highly dangerous pollutants in our drinking water. These substances enter the groundwater through industrial...