Pesticides in water: Are you drinking your own poison?

Pestizide im Wasser: Trinkst du dein eigenes Gift?

Pesticides and herbicides like atrazine , fungicides , insecticides , glyphosate and chlorpyrifos are everywhere – including in your drinking water. Originally developed to control weeds, fungi and pests, these substances enter groundwater through rain and soil infiltration and eventually into your pipes. Even modern sewage treatment plants cannot completely remove them.

Studies show that a glass of water in agricultural areas can contain traces of these chemicals. On average, we consume up to 10 milligrams of pesticide residues from drinking water alone over the course of a year. That may seem like a small amount, but these substances have an effect even in tiny amounts.

What are the consequences for your health? Atrazine is suspected of disrupting the hormonal system and increasing the risk of cancer. Glyphosate is classified by the WHO as "probably carcinogenic" and damages DNA. Chlorpyrifos, a common insecticide, can cause neurological damage - especially in children whose brains are still developing. Fungicides contained in antifungal agents increase the risk of liver and kidney damage.

These pollutants are invisible, but their effects are deadly. Protect your family with Sydros water filters that remove 99.99% of pesticides and herbicides and turn your water into the purest elixir of life.

Act now – visit and secure clean, healthy water for your family.

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