Your water – a silent poison from agricultural chemicals?

Ihr Wasser – Ein stilles Gift durch Agrarchemikalien?

Agricultural chemicals have long been indispensable in modern agriculture - and an invisible enemy in our drinking water. Pesticides such as glyphosate, herbicides such as atrazine, as well as nitrate, ammonium and phosphates get directly from agriculture into the groundwater and ultimately into our tap water. What does that mean for your health? A shocking amount.

How do agricultural chemicals get into the water?

Every time it rains, fertilizers and pesticides are washed from the fields into rivers and lakes. Seepage into the groundwater is also unavoidable. In Germany, nitrate levels in groundwater are alarmingly high in many places - often above the legal limit of 50 mg/L

A single glass of water can contain traces of glyphosate or atrazine, and we ingest up to 10 milligrams of nitrate per week through our drinking water. This adds up to over 500 milligrams per year, a worrying burden.

What impact does this have on your health?

Nitrate is converted into nitrite in the body, which inhibits the transport of oxygen in the blood - particularly dangerous for infants (cyanosis). In the long term, it can lead to gastrointestinal cancer. Glyphosate, which is "probably carcinogenic" according to the WHO, is also suspected of damaging DNA and weakening the immune system. Atrazine can disrupt hormone systems and even impair fertility.

Protect yourself!

With Sydros water filters you can remove these dangerous chemicals from your water and protect your health. Ensure clean, safe water - order now at Don't wait until it's too late!

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