Your water: a cocktail of dangerous organic pollutants?

Ihr Wasser: Ein Cocktail aus gefährlichen organischen Schadstoffen?

Your drinking water looks clean – but it could contain dangerous organic pollutants. Substances such as microplastics , polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) , phthalates , phenols and trihalomethanes (THMs) enter our water sources through industry, agriculture and urban wastewater. What does this mean for your health? Nothing good.

How do these pollutants get into drinking water?

Microplastics are washed into the environment from cosmetics, textiles and tire wear. PAHs come from the combustion of fossil fuels and are deposited in the soil, from where they seep into the groundwater. Phthalates and phenols are used in plastics and cleaning products, while THMs are created as byproducts of the chlorination of drinking water. Despite modern sewage treatment plants, these substances are often detectable in tap water.

What do we absorb and how harmful is it?

A glass of water can contain traces of these pollutants, and this adds up to several milligrams per year. These substances disrupt hormones, promote cancer, weaken the immune system and cause developmental disorders. PAHs and THMs are suspected of being highly carcinogenic. Phthalates impair fertility, while microplastics promote the absorption of other toxins in the body.

Protect yourself now!

With Sydros water filters you can remove 99.99% of these dangerous contaminants and ensure pure, healthy water. Protect your family from the invisible dangers in the water.

Visit – clean water for a safe life.

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