Painkillers such as diclofenac , ibuprofen , aspirin , paracetamol and ketoprofen are indispensable everyday aids. But did you know that these substances get directly into the drinking water via our wastewater? Millions of people flush unused tablets down the toilet, and sewage treatment plants cannot completely remove these substances. The rest ends up in the groundwater and in our pipes.
Studies show that residues of painkillers can be found in almost every water source worldwide. A glass of water can contain traces of diclofenac or ibuprofen - this adds up to up to 70 micrograms per year that we unconsciously absorb. What does this mean for our body? Nothing good.
Diclofenac and ibuprofen are suspected of causing liver and kidney damage. Studies show that they can promote cardiovascular disease in the long term. Ketoprofen and paracetamol attack the mucous membranes, damage the intestinal flora and can weaken the immune system. Pregnant women, children and the elderly, whose organ functions are more sensitive, are particularly at risk.
This danger is invisible, but real. Sydros water filters give you the safety your water needs. Our filters remove even the smallest residues of medication, so you and your family remain protected.
Secure clean water – visit and act now before it’s too late!