Poison from Agriculture: How Fertilizers Contaminate Your Drinking Water

Gift aus der Landwirtschaft: Wie Düngemittel Ihr Trinkwasser belasten

Your drinking water could be your worst enemy - because fertilizers and agricultural chemicals like nitrate , nitrite , phosphates , ammonium and sulfates are going straight from the fields into the groundwater and ultimately into your glass. What does that mean for your health? A lot - and none of it is good.

Rain washes excess fertilizers from fields into rivers and lakes or causes them to seep into the groundwater. Nitrate is particularly worrying , as it is often far above the legal limit of 50 mg/L in groundwater. A glass of tap water can already contain traces, and we unconsciously absorb up to 10 milligrams of nitrate every week - a dangerous level that adds up to over 500 milligrams annually .

Nitrate and nitrite are converted in the body into nitrosamines, which are proven to be carcinogenic. Infants are particularly at risk, as nitrite inhibits the transport of oxygen in the blood and can trigger cyanosis. Phosphates promote algal blooms that release toxins, and ammonium puts a strain on the kidneys and nervous system. Even small amounts can cause chronic damage.

The danger is real – and it comes directly from your tap. With Sydros water filters you can completely remove these dangerous pollutants and protect yourself and your family from the invisible risks.

Ensure clean water and a healthy future – order now at www.sydros.de .

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