Chlorinated pesticides such as DDT , aldrin , dieldrin , heptachlor and chlordane were once used on a large scale in agriculture - and their effects still affect us today. These chemical compounds are extremely long-lasting and accumulate in soil, water and ultimately in our bodies. Rain and erosion cause them to enter the groundwater and thus our drinking water.
Although the use of these pesticides has been banned in many countries, traces can still be found in our water. Concentrations of up to 0.1 micrograms per liter can be detected in a single glass. Over a year, this adds up to several milligrams that we unconsciously absorb. But even the smallest amounts have serious consequences.
Chlorinated pesticides act as neurotoxins and can attack the central nervous system. They disrupt hormone systems, weaken the immune system and are directly linked to cancer. Children are particularly at risk because these substances accumulate in fatty tissue and impair growth. In the long term, they can cause infertility, liver and kidney damage and developmental disorders.
The danger is real, but you can protect yourself. With Sydros water filters you can remove 99.99% of chlorinated pesticides from your water and ensure safety and health.
Visit and get clean, uncontaminated water – for a healthy life without compromise!