Antidepressants in drinking water: Are we unconsciously on medication?

Antidepressiva im Trinkwasser: Sind wir unbewusst auf Medikamenten?

What happens to the medications we take but don't fully metabolize? Many of them - including antidepressants such as fluoxetine , venlafaxine , citalopram , sertraline and amitriptyline - end up in the wastewater after we go to the toilet. Sewage treatment plants cannot completely filter out these active substances, and so they end up in the groundwater - and in your drinking water.

Studies show that traces of antidepressants are found in rivers, lakes and drinking water sources around the world. A glass of tap water can contain tiny amounts of these substances, and over the course of a year we inadvertently absorb micrograms to milligrams of such substances.

The effects? Scientists are alarmed: antidepressants can affect the hormonal system, change mood and behavior, and even cause neurological damage in the long term. These substances are particularly dangerous for pregnant women and children. Studies also show that residues of fluoxetine and venlafaxine disrupt the ecosystem - fish and other creatures show changes in behavior and growth disorders.

The idea of ​​inadvertently ingesting medication through drinking water is frightening. But you can do something about it: Sydros water filters eliminate even the smallest residues of medication and ensure clean, healthy water - without chemicals.

Protect your health and that of your family – order your filter now at !

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